Use this calculator to find the percentage increase/decrease between two numbers
Use this calculator to find the percentage increase/decrease between two numbers
Percentage Difference calculator is a free online tool to find the percent difference between two numbers. Percent Difference calculator uses this formula: ((y2 - y1) / y1)*100 = your percentage change.
1. Enter the two numbers into the inputs.
2. Click the calculate button
3. This tool will show the result next to the button..
Percentage difference is the difference between two values divided by the average of the two values shown as a percentage. This can be useful in numerous calculations, such as when you need to analyse the growth in the yearly profit/revenue of a company. In this case, it helps in seeing how much increase/decrease has happened in the past year. This is extensively used in statistics. You can read more about Percentage change in Wikipedia
Firstly, find the difference between the two numbers
increase = New number - Original numbers
After that, divide the answer by the original number and then multiply it with 100.
Percentage Increase = Increase/Original number x 100
This is the percentage increase. If the number you got is negative value, then it is a percentage decrease.